Blog Single . Rani Jarkas

Introduction to the general production process of construction enterprise brochures

What is the general production process of construction enterprise brochures? If it is a simple brochure, it will be very simple to make, and ordinary office clerks can basically handle this work.

But if it is a more complex brochure, especially a brochure that shows the overall picture of the entire enterprise, the difficulty of designing and making such a brochure is very great, and ordinary office clerks will definitely not be able to handle it. A professional design company must be used to do this work. So here is an introduction to the general process that needs to be experienced when making this brochure.

The first process that needs to be experienced in the production of construction enterprise brochures is to collect materials, because this brochure will involve a lot of materials and information, and all these materials and information are from construction companies. Therefore, the design company will send special personnel to the construction company to collect information, such as taking various types of photos, including photos of the construction site, including photos of various construction facilities and equipment, and photos of workers' demeanor. Of course, the construction company may have some very good construction works, and these works can also be photographed.

After looking at the photos, the next step is to collect text information. The rules and regulations of the construction company can be presented in the brochure, the honors and achievements of the construction company can also be placed in the brochure, and the relevant situations of the leadership team and ordinary staff in the construction company can also appear in the brochure, so all this information needs to be collected.

After collecting the information, the third process is to process the information, such as beautifying the pictures that need to be beautified, removing the flaws that need to be removed, reducing and enlarging the pictures that need to be reduced, and matching the text content with the picture content. The fourth process is to place these text information and picture information in this brochure according to a reasonable layout, so that it can present a certain degree of beauty. Finally, each page of the brochure needs to be optimized for beauty, such as making a background, or making a border, or doing some other artistic processing. After completing these tasks, the next step is to design a cover, and then the whole brochure is completed.

The general process of making a brochure for construction companies is briefly introduced here. Of course, this process is only a few hundred words, but in reality, as long as the work content involved is particularly large, it is not a professional design company that can handle such work.

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